Shezan Apple Jelly 440gm is priced at BDT 120
Shezan Apple Jelly is manufactured by Sajeeb group. Shezan Internationals is the original license holder of the products made by Sajeeb group under their brand name. The company was established in 1964 and are based in Lahore, Pakistan. They are primarily a beverages company that sells variety of famous fruit juices, ketchup and Jams. Apples contain pectin, which is a substance that is heated with sugar to create the characteristics of jam and jellies. It is very rich in dietary fiber. Apple pectin can potentially aid in blood sugar levels, that can help with maintaining diabetes. According to some studies, apple pectin can lower cholesterol level by 5-16%. It can reduce the chances of heart disease and maintain blood pressure. Shezan Apple Jelly is perfect for having in your everyday breakfast routine. The company also provides other flavors of delicious jellies.
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