Fragrance Sesame Oil Blended 630ml is priced at BDT 370
Because of sesame plants high lenient capabilities, it was used by farmers as a drought-tolerant crop. Sesame oil is known to be consumed for over 5000 years, which makes it one of the earliest crop-based edible oil. This vegetable oil is used in cooking to enhance the flavors of food. It has a unique nutty flavor and smell. Regarding the nutrition value of sesame oil per 100g serving, it contains 884 Kcal energy, 100g Fat and 13% Vitamin K. Common market for sesame oil is in Asia and Middle-East. According to some sources, in USA, about 35% is used in food and 65% is converted into oil. Fragrance Blended Sesame Oil is produced from the finest sesame seed that is cultivated in a highly monitored facility. It is hygienic, good for skin and provides great aroma when used in food.
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